Vistdal - Noruega
This card was sent by a 39 year old woman who lives in Norway. She has several hobbies, including Photography, traveling, collecting cards ... |
Abstract designs
This card was sent by Janelte who lives in Arnhem in the Netherlands. She sent this card with one of his favorite phrases author Eleanor Roosevelt Many people are in your life, but only friends leave footprints in your heart. Belarus |
| This card was submitted by Anna who lives in Belarus. She likes music, and she hopes that I enjoy the card. The card represents a city of Belarus. |
Disney character Goofy
This card was sent by Siegmar which has 56 years old and living in a small town called Wiesmoov, in Germany. This card says that at the time, the biggest players are the football player Franz Beckenbauer of Germany. And Brazil, Pelé. And says that he twists to Werder Bremen. |
This card was sent by a 17 year-old student who lives in Minst capital of Belarus. She studies at the College of Languages of Minst. Sent this card to me, because he saw in my poscrossing profile, who like extreme sports like KAYAKING |
Photo of a tourist spot of Belarus
| This card was sent from Belarus and wished me all the best and many postcards for me. |
Resort of Pucón
This card was sent by Andrea during one of his trips. She bought this card when I was in Chile in Ricón in one of his trips. This card is about the resort of Pucón. |
Dutch Shoes
Adicionar legendaThis card was submitted by Melanie. She has 33 years of age, lives in a small town in the Netherlands. She loves sports and her boyfriend twists to Ajax, the best team of the Netherlands. |
The Owl
This card was sent by Michelle of Belgium. On the card it says that picked up this card on one of his trips to send to me. |
Merry Christmas
On this card, wished me a Merry Christmas and a happy holiday. |
Merry Christmas
This card was sent by Antonio da Spain. On this card I wish much health, peace, friendship, love, work. And a Merry Christmas and a happy new year. |
Mantas e Annas
This card is very special to me.Is not in the market for sale, because it was specially made to send to me via a photo of one of two twins, Plaids and Annas. They are the capital of Lithuania, Vilnius.This card was sent by their mother. And they are very fond of football. |
Volans - Rússia
This card was sent by his parents who live in St. Petersburg in Russia (the second largest city of Russia second only to the capital Moscow) but it is of Volans. Is in the city because of its faculty, which is in the 3rd year of psychologist |
Merry Christmas and a happy new year
This was the first card that I received. In it, Lhona and Robert, who are from Poland, want everything good to me. |
Marilyn Monroe
This card is talking about the famous Marilyn Monroe. A famous actress romantic comedy. |
This card is a photo from the capital of Finland, submitted by Taru. She has 30 years and enjoys beautiful Photography, heavy music and serials. His favourite is Sons of Anachy |
My name is Eduardo, and those are some of my postcards that I received.
This card I got from a little girl of Portugal called Leonor, she has 3 years old, her aunt writes the cards for her, and says that when Leonor grow will show all cards for her.
This postcard was sent from Germany. The person who sent me didn't say much to each other. He said that lives in Near Hambury, and wished me Merry Christmas.
This card I received from China, the person is called Xiaoyan. On this the statue of Wei Tuo, the guardian of Buddhism, this statue is in Shuanglin Temple in Pingyao, in the province of Shauxi.
This post was submitted by Eric who lives in Belgium. The image is of the Virgen de la Esperanza Macarena in Sevilla.
This card, I got from a Russian named Julia, who lives in Moscow. The photo is from the Cathedral of Moscow.
This postcard was sent to me by a Dutch named Yolanda. Shows many striking features of Holland.
This was the first postcard I received, it is a Dutchman named Reinoud. In front is a Russian aeroplane Antonove AN-2.
This postcard was sent to me by an American named Tiffany, shows great Chicago buildings.